Lube-Tech Liquid Recycling Acquires Pioneer Environmental

Lube-Tech Liquid Recycling (LLR) would like to announce the acquisition of Pioneer Environmental Group LLC., effective February 28, 2017. Pioneer Environmental Group is based

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Lube-Tech Liquid Recycling (LLR) would like to announce the acquisition of Pioneer Environmental Group LLC., effective February 28, 2017. Pioneer Environmental Group is based in Oakdale, Minnesota, and specializes in the disposal of waste metalworking coolants (oily water) and waste antifreeze from automotive and truck repair shops. Founded in 1993, Pioneer Environmental services Minnesota, North and South Dakota, Wisconsin and Iowa.

“This decision was made carefully and we believe it is the right choice for our business and our customers,” said Pioneer Environmental Founder and Owner Mark Sternad. “Merging with Lube-Tech makes Pioneer Environmental a stronger and more valuable partner for our customers. As a result of this acquisition, Lube-Tech will be able to offer customers more services with greater flexibility and the assurance of local treatment and disposal.”

The acquisition of Pioneer Environmental, while not the first for Lube-Tech, marks the first acquisition for Lube-Tech Liquid Recycling.

“This acquisition makes LLR the dominant player in waste water treatment and waste antifreeze management in the region,” said Lube-Tech Liquid Recycling Business Manager Rich Wertenberger. “We will now have the critical mass to be able to do things that were out of reach prior to this acquisition.”

Rich Wertenberger will assume the management of the Pioneer Environmental operations with Mark Sternad participating in an advisory role to insure the business transfers to LLR.

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