How a Lubricant Audit Can Save You Money

When Lube-Tech’s Tom Bjellos, a Certified Lubrication Specialist, walks into a food packaging plant his thoughts and observations are all about making things more

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When Lube-Tech’s Tom Bjellos, a Certified Lubrication Specialist, walks into a food packaging plant his thoughts and observations are all about making things more efficient. That means using a lubricant audit to not only suggest the proper lubricants but to consolidate the products used to keep the plant’s machinery running at optimum efficiency.

“Consolidation is good for everyone, especially the machinery operators and plant managers,” said Bjellos. “Why use six or eight different lubricants when you can use two?”

That’s exactly what Bjellos and the Lube-Tech team have done at multiple manufacturing plants. Reducing the number of lubricants improves business efficiency and choosing the proper lubricants boosts machine efficiency. Both of which optimizes production. Bringing in a Lube-Tech Solutions Specialist for a lubricant audit can start the process.

“Audits make people nervous, but when we come in, we’re not looking for what a plant is doing wrong, we’re looking for ways to make their machinery work better and be more efficient,” said Bjellos. “In the long run, this equals more profit for the plant.”

Common Lubricant Audit Terms

  • Audit – A plant audit will determine where lubrication inefficiencies lie, including redundancies and where improvements can be made
  • Expert Analysis – Fluid analysis can solve problems before they become an issue
  • Insuring Specifications – The last thing anyone wants is a recall. Making sure all lubricants meet required specifications is key to compliance
  • Customized Machinery Tags – Marking all machinery for its specified fluids simplifies the maintenance process eliminating lubrication mistakes
  • Training Employees – Teaching workers how to use fluids properly and what to look for if something is going wrong is the first line of defense

More so, having an audit from Lube-Tech can also provide information on our other industrial services. From predictive maintenance to sanitizing services to recycling, our team can provide what you need to take the dirty work off your hands and keep your employees safe and productive.

To set up a lubricant audit or other service, contact us today!

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